Panel: Preparing the Forward Deployed Force to Meet High-End Threats

  • Room: Operations in Focus Stage (Sails Pavilion)
Tuesday, January 28, 2025: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Moderator (confirmed)
CAPT William (Bill) Hamblet, USN (Ret.)
Editor-In-Chief, Proceedings
U.S. Naval Institute
Panelist (confirmed)
RADM Joseph F. Cahill III, USN
Naval Surface Force Atlantic
Panelist (confirmed)
LtGen Michael S. Cederholm, USMC
Commanding General
I Marine Expeditionary Force
Panelist (confirmed)
VADM John F. G. Wade, USN
U.S. THIRD Fleet
Panelist (confirmed)
LtGen Calvert L. Worth, Jr., USMC
Commanding General
II Marine Expeditionary Force


This panel will discuss changes in Navy/Marine Corps fleet training to prepare carrier strike groups, expeditionary strike groups, and Marine air-ground task forces for deployment to today’s high-threat areas and possible combat operations.

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