WEST Primary Stage Panel: Are Warfare Community Leaders Able to Advance Operational Capabilities in the Current Environment?

  • Room: Primary Stage (Hall C)
Tuesday, January 28, 2025: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Moderator (confirmed)
VADM Peter H. Daly, USN (Ret.)
Former CEO and Publisher
U.S. Naval Institute
Panelist (confirmed)
RDML Brad Andros, USN
Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
Panelist (confirmed)
LtGen Eric E. Austin, USMC
Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command
Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
Panelist (confirmed)
VADM Daniel L. Cheever, USN
Commander, Naval Air Forces
Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Panelist (confirmed)
VADM Robert (Rob) M. Gaucher, USN
Commander, Naval Submarine Forces
Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet/Commander, Allied Submarine Command
Panelist (confirmed)
VADM Brendan R. McLane, USN
Commander, Naval Surface Forces
Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific Fleet
Panelist (confirmed)
RADM Milton J. Sands III, USN
Naval Special Warfare Command
Panelist (confirmed)
VADM Michael (Mike) Vernazza, USN
Naval Information Forces


In today’s rapidly evolving global security environment, Sea Service community leaders are at the forefront of advancing operational capabilities to ensure U.S. military superiority and readiness. China as the pacing threat, plus Russia, North Korea, Iran, and their proxies all present an increasing array of complex, multi-domain threats, and these senior leaders are driving innovative approaches in how they train, equip, and maintain their forces for operational deployment.

This session will explore how these commanders are adapting their operational strategies to meet the demands of modern warfare—preserving peace, responding in crisis, and winning decisively in combat. Navy panelists will discuss their role in the Chief of Naval Operations’ (CNO) NAVPLAN and their efforts to achieve a combat-ready force by 2027. They will share insights into their ongoing transformation and modernization efforts, ensuring that U.S. maritime and expeditionary forces are prepared to address current threats while also positioning themselves to counter emerging challenges in the future. This session offers a unique opportunity to hear directly from the front lines of operational innovation, showcasing how Sea Service leaders are enhancing readiness, training, and agility to maintain U.S. dominance in an increasingly complex and contested world.

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