Modern battlefields have evolved into electromagnetic battlegrounds where dominance of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) has become a critical strategic issue. Both military and civilian actors extensively exploit this spectrum for a multitude of applications. To maneuver and operate effectively within this dense and congested electromagnetic operational environment (EMOE), aircraft equipped with onboard electromagnetic warfare (EW) systems contribute to developing a comprehensive picture, enabling self-protection and the generation of military effects. These are configured using mission data files about threat radars and other emitters and are tailored to specific operational theaters. Crew training on EW systems is a critical component of the operational readiness process. It necessitates the deployment of sophisticated electromagnetic signal generators within designated training areas to simulate the complex and dynamic electromagnetic environment encountered in real-world operational theaters. This need is even more pressing for modern air platforms given the nature of their missions to penetrate enemy Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS). The EW sensors and effectors of modern fighters are essential assets to contribute to mission effectiveness, protect platforms, and save lives. It is therefore crucial that they are mission-ready, and that pilots and operators are fully trained. Training against simulated surface-to-air systems demands realistic conditions, which in turn requires a realistic reproduction of the electromagnetic environment in a theater of operations. Any large-scale operation in a peer-to-peer scenario begins with an air campaign which consists of gaining a certain level of air superiority and requires generating effects by penetrating these A2AD zones. Although a large part of this training can be part of a flight simulator program, the need for real-world flight training remains.
THREAT Concept
The THREAT concept is designed to address the need described above.
- TH refers to the term, “theater.” The objective is to focus not only on adversary weapon systems but also on the entire EM environment of the theater, including allied and neutral emitters, for high-fidelity purposes.
- RE refers to the term, “replication.” This involves reproducing the entirety of the EM spectrum of interest, including radio frequencies, infrared and visual. The system must integrate equipment that can stimulate all sensors to present a comprehensive simulation of potential threats to be addressed.
- AT refers to the terms, “advanced training.” The system will enable pilots to train not only in self-protection but also in targeting and penetrating an A2AD environment, as explained before.
Full resolution replication requires 36 emitters. A coarser resolution allows for aggregating emitters into a common location. The advantage of this approach is reducing the infrastructure costs and reducing the number of sites from higher resolutions. The fidelity of the signals being emulated remains unchanged, however, the ability of an observer to geolocate an emitter is generalized. A further reduction in resolution can be selected for low-priority signals.
Every layer may be at its own resolution such that costs, and level of realism is managed. The resolution of grid squares for emitter placement is influenced by the sensors that will be surveying the area and their mission. Consider the difference in positional accuracy between geolocating a SAM battery versus targeting of their low altitude surveillance radar. The former can group the battery into a single emitter cluster while the latter would require discrete emitter site for the low-altitude search radar.
The requirement for simultaneous multi-signal simulation is essential for creating a congested environment. The Belgian Defence has chosen the sustained I/Q data streaming technology held by the Canadian company D-TA, which provides a technical solution through the Multichannel Radar Signal Emulator (MRSE) with a reduced logistical footprint, sized for the Belgian Defence. The MRSE solution generates, records and streams I/Q data from deep memories to tunable RF transmit units. This is an alternative to the classic Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) approach using Pulse Description Words (PDW). The latter suffers from a significant loss of signal fidelity as the number of emitters to be simulated increases, because of the pulse collision effect and the obligation to drop a lot of pulses. Consequently, the actual simultaneous emitted signals differ from the expected waveforms, and the deinterleaving processes employed in EW receiver chains yield degraded or erroneous identifications. It is technically not possible to meet the requirement without multiplying the number of independent channels required, resulting in an oversized and unaffordable logistical and human footprint for the Belgian Defence. Nations exploring this capability are forced to multiply equipment locally to compensate for these shortcomings or to neglect a large part of the EMOE. The MRSE solution does not suffer from these limitations, as any waveform and scenario that can be mathematically represented can be emulated.