Thought Leadership (listed in alphabetical order)

BMC - Booth 1332

The Future of Defense: Enhancing U.S. Warfighting Operational Capabilities with AI/ML-Driven Solutions

As national security threats evolve, U.S. warfighters face significant challenges in balancing readiness, resilience, and rapid response. Integrating advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and large language models (LLMs) is critical to maintaining a competitive edge. This white paper explores how AI/ML-driven solutions powered by BMC Helix platform capabilities can enhance U.S. warfighting operational capabilities, allowing U.S. defense agencies to modernize infrastructure, streamline mission-critical operations, and strengthen resiliency against emerging threats.

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Cloudera - Booth 4314

Accelarate AI with Trusted Data: Achieve Mission Success with Cloudera’s Unified Hybrid Data Platform

AI presents a tremendous opportunity for public sector agencies to accelerate their mission. Expectations are vast. And while AI can provide the rich insights needed to solve problems, locating, organizing, and extracting necessary actionable data in context often remains an obstacle. Agencies typically face three major challenges when it comes to harnessing the power of their data: First, they are generating data at unprecedented volume and velocity, and some government organizations struggle to manage it efficiently. Second, the growing expectations regarding the operational impact of AI requires focused data management. Estimates from suggest that over 80% of government employees are using AI on a daily or weekly basis.

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Deloitte - Booth 315

Out with the Defense Industrial Base, in with the Defense Industrial Network

The University of Manchester’s Small Scale Experimental Machine(SSEM) became the first computer in the world to execute a program storedelectronically in its memory, breaking away from the traditional reliance on papertape or hardwiring. Consisting of 17 instructions, it “only” took 52 minutes to runthrough an astounding 3.5 million calculations to correctly compute the greatestdivisor of 2 raised to the power of 18. The correct answer is 262,144, by the way.In the decades since, software has undergone a remarkable evolution, growing both incomplexity and capability, and has played an instrumental role in shaping the world.It has served as the foundation for many notable technological advancementswitnessed in the last 70 years, encompassing fields as diverse as modern medicine, theinternet, and personal electronic devices.

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Deloitte - Booth 315

From Efficient to Effective Modern Combat Logistics

Wartime demand for food, medical supplies, and essential military hardware, likecircuit boards or munitions, would require navigating significant logistics challenges.It would involve surges in demand for products, requiring new sources of supply andglobal production. It would also require tracking billions of items through data-driventechnologies, like radio-frequency identification tags, to better align inventory withdemand. It’s also probable that wartime demands could lead to workforce shortagesand the need to produce new products and services quickly. In a war with a peeradversary, logistics and maintenance activities would also be prone to attack by cyberand other more traditional military means. None of these assumptions would betrivial logistical tests, to say the least.

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KPMG - Booth 1703

The Future-ready Comptroller

This historical approach provided government organizations with insight into how they were spending their money to inform organizational decisions regarding the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution cycle. However, this information was lagging, and lacked the sophistication to truly identify causality between decisions and financial outcomes. Today, governement organizations are faced with a litany of business challenges, which are increasing in their complexity, including concerns regarding the timeliness of funds, looming governement shutdowns, possible changes to fundamental processes such as acquisition and programming, as well as a heightened operational tempo.

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Microsoft Corporation - Booth SP4833

Edge Capability in the Era of AI

In our previous paper, we introduced the Microsoft Tactical Cloud Platform concept. We highlighted the ever-evolving landscape of global defense and intelligence, and the demand for real-time data processing, analysis, and decision-making has never been a more critical focus. Cloud computing continues to emerge as a transformative technology for informationdriven operations, offering unparalleled innovation, scalability, agility, security, and accessibility. The rapid emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and language models is pushing digital advancement to the next level.

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Owl Cyber Defense - Booth 1601

Cross Domain Solutions & Zero Trust: Reinforcing Cybersecurity at the Tactical Edge

As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity and sophistication, the U.S. government, particularly within the Department of Defense (DoD), has increasingly embraced Zero Trust Architectures (ZTA). The Zero Trust model, based on the principle of "never trust, always verify," challenges the traditional perimeter-based security approach by assuming that threats can come from both inside and outside the network. This paradigm shift is crucial for safeguarding national security, especially as military operations become more dependent on digital networks and real-time data.

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